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비주얼가프시스템(Visualies Gaff System)
비주얼가프시스템(Visualies Gaff System)
[업무시간 안내] -오전10시 ~ 오후 4시 30분 -토,일,공휴일 휴무 [회사약도] 홈페이지 하단의 회사소개 코너에 약도와 교통편이 안내되어 있습니다.
기본 정보
소비자가 45,000 won
판매가 35,000 won
수량 수량증가수량감소
제조사 Mechanic Industries
원산지 미국 la
상품가 31,818 won
사용후기 0
상품문의 0
관련상품수 1
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비주얼가프시스템(Visualies Gaff System) 수량증가 수량감소 35000 (mileage : 0)
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( 최소주문수량 1개 이상 / 최대주문수량 0개 이하 )

SNS 상품홍보


게시물이 없습니다

비주얼가프시스템(Visualies Gaff System)은 착시효과를 테마로 하여 만들어진 가프카드덱 입니다.

놀라운 착시효과와 마술이 결합하여 매유 비쥬얼하고 독특한 카드마술이 탄생했습니다.

17가지의 루틴이 포함되어 있으며,
모든 루틴은 실력 수준에 관계없이 어느정도의 연습만 하면 쉽게 달성할 수 있습니다.
가프카드를 경험 해 보신분이시라면 진심 만족하실겁니다.

각 루틴을 다루는 다양한 해법강좌가 준비되어 있으며, 각 루틴별로 쉽게 따라할 수 있는 고급강좌를 제공합니다.


The gaffs from the Optricks Red Deck broke new ground, opening up another dimension of magical possibilities. But we were just getting started. The new Visualies Gaff System picks up where we left off... and then some. This isn't just another gaff deck, it's a whole new system -- a totally new way to approach gaff cards.

It's the perfect extension of the Optricks Red Deck. However, you can use it all on its own, straight out the box with no other deck required. Contained within are 17 core concepts with our trademark visual style. They're not just amazing standalone tricks, you can combine nearly all of the effects into a cohesive routine. Unlike other gaff decks, we've focused on just a couple of key cards, mainly the Queen of Hearts, but also the 4 of Clubs, allowing you to combine the various tricks like never before. There are enough face cards of different values that enable you to spread to show a 'fair' deck, should the need arise.

With this system, we've engineered cutting-edge magical illusions while keeping the handling simple. All of the effects are easily achievable with a bit of practice, regardless of your skill level. We have a host of tutorials that cover each concept and offer easy-to-advanced handlings for each concept. We've also applied the Visualies approach to some classic plots in magic such as Triumph, Twisting the Aces, Transpositions, Sandwiches and Torn & Restored.

Even the tuck case is a gaff! This allows you to display an impossibly looking empty box before producing a full deck of cards from within. An extra gaff card is included that works with the tuck allowing you to transition this unbelievable visual deception from the table to the hands - and back. Easy to achieve yet unbelievable for your audience. Kickstart your Visualies routine as you proceed.

We've extended the capabilities of the Anamorphic Queen from the Optricks Red Deck. We've animated the Queen, so she now rises through the deck. This will allow you to lose her in the deck, cut to show her in the middle, then riffle to see her visually rise through the deck before popping out into real life! You can also use the varying depths to add multi-layered revelations to an Ambitious Card routine, and more!

Show the Queen slowly fading through the deck or magically materializing. Do a color change to show that she sinks directly into the deck before moving on with your Anamorphic routine. A really cool card that has many areas for exploration. Links with many other the gaffs in this deck to extend and add depth to your presentations.

Uses the same depth perception technique as the Anamorphic Queen. We didn't want to leave out the Grinder Coin! Think of doing a Jay Sankey 'In a Flash' style trick, but without cutting through your favorite deck. This single card will allow you to show the coin drop through the deck before finding a selected card or popping out the bottom. Works using the same force perspective style and again opens up many possibilities. Morgan Dollar version included, heads side, so this can pass as many coins as it's only seen for a short time.

See-through deck effect! Place a coin on your hand, then the deck on top. Instantly you see through the deck before the coin vanishes. It can then be produced wherever or however you like! Designed to work perfectly with Mechanics Grip, there is also a card without the coin to extend the possibilities of this concept. Morgan Dollar version included. It just looks so good!

Twisted warp card to use as an extra phase in your Queen routine. Simply cut out the grey side pieces to create a visual wonder! So many sleights are available that will allow you to spin the Queen and it looks like the card melts and warps around! Give it another twist and it goes back to normal... then move on with another Queen Gaff routine. We've included 3 warp cards of varying values and configurations to offer maximum flexibility.

A sandwich routine with a transpositional twist. You can casually spread the sandwich both ways and the 6 remains hidden. The 6 of Diamonds was chosen for this, as it is the easiest card to recognize in the spread. A carefully thought-out handling that results in a hyper visual and fooling routine.

2 distort effects create the illusion of you peeking behind the curtain, revealing the Queen in a dramatic fashion. Works with simple color allowing you to combine both gaff cards, the Queen, and basic sleights for an awesome routine. Links up with many of the other gaffs in the Visualies system.

Allows the magician to perform a Torn & Restored routine without trashing any cards! Prepare for the first time and you get the 'torn off' piece (and spare), as well as the magic card that allows it to work. Multiple presentation and handling possibilities. An easy-to-do, dynamic and fooling version of Torn & Restored.

Do a simple color change and smash the Queen to pieces. Gives the opportunity for fun narrative and presentations. Designed to link with other Queen gaffs in this deck, such as the 'Behind the Curtain' or 'Off With Her Clothes'.

Split the 4 into two two's as the size changes as well as value! Then take the two twos and in an instant, they transform into the four Aces, once again shrinking in size to match their value. Or, show the 4 of Clubs -- then it instantly explodes into four mini Aces. Loads of possibilities using sleights you will already know to make the cards shrink and shrink again. Links up nicely with the 'Mini Me' gaffs.

Based on the same concept as 4xFour, we've extended this to offer 3 cards that allow you to half, then half again in size. Extend your Queen routine from a single trick into a super charged performance. Multiple handlings. Everyone will be able to make the most of these gaffs.

An instant, visual treat that shows the squares from the back explode off into the real world. Spare card included so you can cut out squares from the back design. Can be used with the back animation of the Optricks Red Deck to create a startling moment.

Based on the classic Twisting the Aces. A few double-facers and a special 'spread' gaff make this sequence achievable for any magician. No tricky sleight of hand -- just a devious set-up and simple handling enables you to achieve this challenging routine with minimal practice.

Uses perception distortion trickery to reveal a force card like never before! Use your favorite force with the Queen of Hearts or 4 of Clubs, then show a strange looking card that is just a jumble. Hold it up and just blow or twist, the card spins and magically reveals the card they were just thinking of. A simple shake and the strange card now becomes their selected card. A treat of physics and biology mixed with magic.

Show the Queen, then in a flash, cause her clothes to jump off onto another card! Put them back on in an instant, she's getting shy, and a little cold! Works from a paintbrush-style change and a simple card flip. Use a double backer to get in and out cleanly. Spare clothing card included for alternate presentation. Stupidly good fun and gets hilarious reactions!

Designed to add that final convincer to any Triumph routine. Can be used with a tiny bit of 'stick' to easily hide the card at the end. Carefully thought-out handling and full Triumph routine included. Uses the Queen and 4 again so is also a great card to experiment with and link with the other gaffs -- lots of possibilities. It's the only card in the deck that requires the Optricks Red to perform the Triumph routine.

 유매직의 마술도구의 해법은 여러가지 방법(비밀번호, 온라인해법(타 사이트), CD나 DVD)으로 제공됩니다.

비밀번호 형식의 마술 해법 보는 방법

1) 제품을 받으시면 택배박스안에 주문서가 동봉되어 배송됩니다.

2) 주문서의 각각의 제품명 하단에 해법비밀번호(숫자5자리 or 영어+숫자)가 있습니다.

   (단, 플레잉카드처럼 트릭이 없는 제품의 경우 해법이 제공되지 않습니다.)

3) 홈페이지 오른쪽 상단의 돋보기 옆에 [제품검색]으로 구매하신 제품을 검색하세요.

4) 각 제품의 상세페이지 최하단 [비밀번호 보호 동영상] 바로 아래 빈 칸에 비밀번호를 넣으세요.

5) 파란색 버튼[동영상보기]를 클릭하면 해법을 볼 수 있습니다.

* 혹시 해법영상이 안 나올 경우, 자유게시판의 공지사항을 참고하십시오.


1) 강사님들 께서는 마술도구 도매코너를 활용하십시오.

2) 회원가입후 이메일(neouto3@umagic.co.kr)로 아이디와 함께 강사자격증을 보내주시면 도매등급으로 등업해드립니다.

3) 팩스(031-688-8916)로 내용을 보내주셔도 됩니다.

4) 일루전장비는 도매할인이 적용되지 않습니다.


교환 및 반품 안내

* 교환 및 반품이 가능한 경우 (7일 이내에 반품,환불,교환이 가능하십니다.)

- 제품 설명과 다른 제품이 배송된 경우.
- 마술트릭이 없는 단순제품.(ex: 트릭이 없는 바이시클카드 , 카드패드 , 트릭없는동전등등)

* 교환 및 반품이 불가능한 경우

- 트릭이 있는 마술도구의 경우 마술도구의 특성상 택배박스를 개봉한 경우, 마술의 비밀(컨텐츠)이 노출된 것으로 간주되어 교환 및 반품이 불가능합니다.
- 고객님의 책임 있는 사유로 상품 등이 멸실 또는 훼손된 경우.

- 고객님의 사용 또는 일부 소비에 의하여 상품의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우(트릭없는 단순제품의경우)

- 시간의 경과에 의하여 재판매가 곤란할 정도로 상품 등의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우(트릭없는 단순제품의 경우)
- 복제가 가능한 상품등의 포장을 훼손한 경우
※ 고객님의 마음이 바뀌어 교환, 반품을 하실 경우 상품반송 비용은 고객님께서 부담하셔야 합니다. (색상 교환,  사이즈 교환 등 포함)

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택배 정보 : 우체국 택배 (1588-1300)

Tel : 010. 2967. 7275
        031. 391 .4784
fax : 031-688-8916
월 - 금 / 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
점심시간 / 12:00 am - 1:00 pm
토, 일, 공휴일 쉽니다.
농협 : 581-12-209561
국민 : 639001-01-062255
우리 : 1002-056-898916
신한 : 110-354-531867
예금주 : 송영식
반품 주소 : 경기도 군포시 금정동 706-7번지 지하1층
택배 정보 : 우체국 택배 (1588-1300)


